Stages of Auditing Process and Its Importance

Process of Auditing

Process of Auditing

Accounting and audit play a vital part in the financial record-keeping process of any business however their jobs are different in their focus. While accounting means a much more extensive field, encompassing everything from the association to the administration of the flow of cash through the organization, evaluating it to a greater degree of a particular service.

Auditing is a piece of the accounting scene. It is an assessment of accounting and monetary records that is embraced autonomously. This is finished to decide whether the organization or the business undertaking has confirmed its tasks to the regulations and the accounting standards. You must familiarize yourself with understanding the basic requirements of an accounting consultant, to get a better overview.

Whether you are a small business or an intricate association, monitoring all your financial exercises can be an overwhelming task. What’s more, bookkeeping does precisely that for you by monitoring your business. It dependably records each part of financial exercise occurring, which is a crucial snippet of data for the administration of your organization. One critical function of accounting is keeping you updated about the company’s performance. This helps in distinguishing the areas of under performance and those that require corrective measures. The data from accounting helps in the long-term project planning of the business too.

Today’s article will explain all about The Stages of The Auditing Process and its importance.

What is the Importance of Auditing?

Accounting as a field is huge and contains numerous areas of specialization inside its system. Auditing is one of such specializations. While Accounting manages the tracking and recording of financial exchanges examining fulfilling the job of confirming the accuracy of the accounts. Auditing in numerous ways decides the integrity of the entire bookkeeping system of an organization. Auditing financial statements yearly are significant regardless of whether you are a non-profit or a public company. This will add credibility to your accuracy. In any event, when auditing isn’t required, it is a decent practice to have it set up.

The significance of auditing is especially found when there are errors in your records. If your accounting has not been exceptional or altogether, an examiner can make huge commitments in revealing those subtleties. If the subtleties revealed mean any presence of misrepresentation or fraud, a forensic auditor’s service is advisable. There is a further sub field even in the domain of reviews that deals with cases coming close to the lines of crimes.

Various kinds of reviews can be profited relying upon the need of the association. Financial reviews decide if an association’s financial statements precisely address the result of the business’ financial tasks. It ensures that the association’s financial position is as per the proper accounting standards. Consistence audit checks in case the organization has worked as per the regulations and guidelines that may substantially affect the fiscal reports.

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Audits are performed to guarantee that financial summaries are ready as per the relevant accounting guidelines. The three essential financial summaries are:

  • Income statement
  • Balance sheet
  • Cash flow statement

Financial statements are arranged inside by the board using significant accounting norms, like International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). They are created to give valuable data to the accompanying clients:

  • Investors
  • Leasers
  • Government entities
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Accomplices

The Five Stages of Auditing

Internal Audit conducts assurance reviews through a five-stage process that incorporates Selection, Planning, Conducting Fieldwork, Reporting, and Following up on action plans.

1. Selection

Audit activities are chosen using a risk-based approach. Internal audit meets with leadership and the executives during the development of the annual audit plan to talk about risks and possible impediments to meeting goals. This plan is vetted by the audit and executive committee of the Board of Trustees. Audits can also be conducted based on crises reported on fraud and ethics.

2. Planning

Each audit requires planning, beginning from defining the degree and objective to creating a review that moves toward meeting the goal. Internal audit directs an entry meeting with the executives to talk about the purpose behind the review, risk factors, and other planned operations. The executives are included in the planning stage and the details are reported in the planning and scoping memo.

3. Fieldwork

During the Fieldwork stage, auditors direct the steps identified in the planning process. Steps frequently incorporate directing meetings, evaluating regulations, policies, and best practices, verifying sample transactions, investigating data indexes, and conducting overviews. Auditors meet regularly with the board all through Fieldwork and talk about the situation with the audit, preliminary observations, and potential proposals.

4. Reporting

Auditors conduct an exit meeting with the board at the end of the fieldwork to talk about the results of the review, explicit discoveries and proposals, and different perceptions. Auditors convey these to the executives through a review perception reminder and request that the administration furnishes a corrective action plan and timetable to carry out. These reactions are included in the final report. The board and leadership are given a chance to audit drafts and provide input.

5. Follow-Up

All review suggestions and the board corrective activity plans are followed up to give assurance that plans are carried out. Corrective activity plans that don’t have all the earmarks of progressing are accounted for every year to the president and Executive and Audit Committee.


There are four fundamental stages in the examining system. The first is to characterize the auditor’s job and the term of commitment which is for the most part a letter that is properly endorsed by the client.

The second step is to design the review which would incorporate details of deadlines and the divisions the examiner would cover. Is it a solitary division or an entire association that the auditor would cover? The review could last for a few days or even a week solely depending on the nature of the audit.

The following significant step is arranging the data from the review. At the point when an evaluator reviews the records or examines key financial summaries of an organization, the discoveries are generally put out in a report or gathered deliberately.

The last and most significant component of a review is reporting the result. The outcomes are documented in the auditor’s report.

About Aditi Singh 365 Articles
Aditi Singh is an independent content creator and money finance advisor for 5 years. She is recently added with Investment Pedia. Internet users are always welcome to put comments on her contributions.

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